© BML/Alexander Haiden


Platform for Green Transformation & Bioeconomy

The ecoplus Platform for Green Transformation & Bioeconomy aims to make Lower Austria a European showcase region for bioeconomy, green transformation and circular economy in the long term. The platform functions as an information hub that disseminates acquired know-how and networks the many actors already active in Lower Austria today. Within the framework of research and cooperation projects, missing “pieces of the puzzle” are to be specifically researched, developed and elaborated.

One aspect of a comprehensive bioeconomy is the broadest possible use of renewable raw materials – not only for energy but also for material use. As in a petroleum refinery, in a “biorefinery” starting from agricultural and forestry products and residues, the most diversified transformation pathways possible should be implemented, leading to a wide variety of chemical compounds. The ecoplus Platform for Green Transformation and Bioeconomy has set itself the goal of realising the concept of a biorefinery in the federal state of Lower Austria. In this way, renewable raw materials could be used even better and the added value kept in the region.  The project responsibility for “Bioeconomy Austria” lies with ecoplus, the business agency of the province of Lower Austria, within the framework of the Platform for Green Transformation & Bioeconomy.  The platform is responsible for the holistic analysis of the innovation potential of the Austrian economy in the field of the wood-based bioeconomy. This creates the basis for initiating cooperation projects between companies or RTI projects between companies and science within the actor network

You can contact Fabian Huber from the ecoplus Platform for Green Transformation & Bioeconomy directly using the form below.

Open website Contact


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    Contact persons

    Fabian Huber

    Fabian Huber

    ecoplus. Plattform für Bioökonomie

    Vienna & LA & Burgenland
    Vienna & LA & Burgenland
    Florian Kamleitner

    Florian Kamleitner

    ecoplus. Plattform für Bioökonomie

    Projekt leader
    Projekt leader